Lesson 9






Suggestions on the use of email

Are you one of these people that recieves lots of emails everyday? If the answer is YES, K Gleeson makes the following suggestions when reading and sending emails:

Only approach one topic in each email.

Clearly define the topic in the subject line of the message.

Make your message brief but include all of the necessary information so that the addressee can act and reply.

Only send the message to those that are directly involved. Don't send a copy to anyone else.

With regards to checking your email, K Gleeson has the following recommendations:

Check your mailbox three or four times a day, preferably in the morning and at the end of the day.

When you read your emails, read one at a time and don't leave pending subjects.

Use an anti-spam to avoid the bombardment of unwanted emails.

When you respond to emails, file the email that you replied to in a folder so that your inbox doesn't look congested.

Despite the fact that these suggestions appear very simple, when you put them into practice they are very useful and help us use our email more efficienty. Try to apply these recomendations immediately and you will see that in less than a week you will be reaping the fruits of your effort. You will notice that during the day you have more time for other activities.

Obtaining information.

Every day, we need to be informed of the events that are going on in the company and in all fields of our life. The information that we receive is important to maximize our efficiency. Now we are going to show you some reccomendations by the MBR, which you can use to increase your information network: 
"Know the secrets of your secretary"

This will help you to know how and where she keeps the folders and files, where and under what codes she registers the clients and the addresses of important clients, what she does with the templates once you have seen them. You never know when you are going to need to find something quickly when your secretary is not present.

Let your secretary know the subjects you have in mind.

This is generally good practice. It can be especially valuable if you are receptive to her suggestions with respect to what you say or do; she might know things about the job and the people in the company that you will find useful. However, it is possible that she doesn't think about telling you information unless you show willing to listen.

Inform your colleagues on the projects you are working on.

They may also have usefull information about a determined area and they will be happy to share it with you if they know your plans.

Learn everything there is to know about the computer and its functions.

Perhaps your company's centre of data processing would be more focused towards its needs if they knew what they are.

Get to know the informal leaders are under your level.

Idependent of the company's organigram, some people are information centres or leaders without a title. This may be because they are curious or because they win the confidence of others, or simply because their job means they are in contact with a wide range of people. The truth is that some people know alot more than others and the work of the company. The watchful executive remains in contact with his colleagues, be it in a casual or informal way, which allows him to be well informed.l