Lesson 14º








Making decisions

The leader is a person that doesn’t hesitate when he has to make decisions:

He knows when the right moment is.

His decisions are carried out after spending a long time reflecting on the issue.

When a question comes up (opportunity, problem, etc) the leader has sometimes more or less time to analyze, depending on the urgency.

The leader will use all the time he has available to find out information, study the topic in depth, get opinions, discuss, analyse alternatives (everything possible) and their predictable consequences.

Whilst the leader is thinking about the decision he is free to change his mind, he does not have to maintain his original point of view, he doesn’t have to fear that changing his opinion in front of his collaborators can seem a sign of incoherence.

It is a time to analyse and a time to try and reach the best decision.

The leader will like his team to participate in the decision making. This way the people can defend their points of view. During the deliberation phase the leader should favour discussions and accept discrepancies.

One subordinate that says YES to everything the boss thinks is a person that doesn’t give the company anything.

However, once a decision has been made there will not be any time for discrepancies, the team should act as a whole and support the leader.

The leader should worry about dominating the topics he has to tackle and not base his thoughts exclusively on the opinion of the experts.

The leader doesn’t have to be a specialist in every topic (this would be impossible), but he should have a solid knowledge of most of them.

This will allow him to maintain an independent point of view, have a criterion and be able to value the opinion of the experts.

The leader will act with haste: as soon as a problem comes up, the leader should get to work and face the problem with diligence.

It is necessary to face up to the problems immediately, the leader can not let them fester (a small unsolved problem can turn into a delicate matter).

The leader will also demand this diligence from his collaborators.

The leader knows that there will be a moment when he will have to make a decision, that he can not delay it, although he may not have all of the information that he would have liked.

The leader knows how to make uncertain decisions.

The leader does not delay making decisions and he does not hurry.

There are people that prefer to make decisions quickly to avoid the uncomfortable period of uncertainty. On the other hand, the leader prefers to use all the time available to analyse the subject in depth.

A quality that characterizes the leader is his disposition, when it is necessary he can make unpopular decisions, difficult decisions which may even affect people that are close by.

The leader should sail for the good of the company (this is his mission) and he should try and ignore the fact that he might affect people close by.

The leader is not participating in a popularity contest.

Once the decision has been made the leader can no longer hesitate, it is time to act, to put things into practice.

The majority of decision the leader makes are the right ones.

A professional career can not be built on repeated failure.

However, the leader accepts that sometimes the decisions can be wrong.

From these mistakes the leader will try to get pertinent conclusions, analyzing the motive of these mistakes with the view to make sure they don’t happen in the future.

Finally, to point out that the leader is not only a person that makes decisions, but he also chooses as collaborators, people that also know how to make them.