Lesson 9º








Value Perceived by the clients

To improve the value perceived by the clients, we should act on various factors:

Accesibililty. We understand accesibility as how easy it is to obtain the service. A bank with lots of cash machines is more accesible. Also, if the bank has an extensive timetable its accesibility improves. If a client can easily speak with the branch manager the bank is even more accesible.

Communication. We shouldn't only give a good service, but communicate it. The advantages of our service should be communicated so that they can be valued by the clients.

Client Participation - a fundamental aspect in our modern society. When a client participates in a service giving his opinion, choosing between different services or carrying out an activity it can increase the value perceived.

Incorporate additional services. A vital aspect to increase the perceived value is to compliment the standard basic service with added or supplementary services.

Programme action points to improve the perception of the critical attributes. The clients use certain attributes that they consider fundamental to evaluate alternatives. A fundamental aspect is to detect the attributes that the consumer considers the most important and programme action points that will improve the clients perception of the attributes. For example, if the consumers consider the cleanliness of the hotel rooms as vital, we should concentrate on this aspect. The room needs to be clean and look it. Therefore, it doesn't only have to be clean but small clean and appear clean.

Employees value the consumer. The interaction of the clients with the employees is an essential part of customer services.

A good example of analysis is the one that banks carry out. The survey's show a series of critical attributes that the consumers use to decide between different branches and to assign value to the service offered.

1. Image - a reliable and well managed bank

2. Location

3. Interest rates

4. Treatment

5. Quality of service provided

6. Capacity of Innovation

A clients perception can improve if we systematically analyze the process. We can study the process by looking at the diagram of the DPPS service. We can also detect deficiencies and improve the service and how the clients perceive it.

DPPS develops following a few stages. These stages are:

1. Analyze the service, to be able to fix the service provider and its phases.

2. Conceptual and graphic description of the service process.

3. Identify the phases.

4. Detect problems.

5. Fix the tolerance levels.