Lesson 2º










Nowadays, all competitive companies or organizations, base their management and operation on the fundamental concept of Strategy. There is strategy in a war, sport and of course, company strategy which is known as planning, organization, human resources, marketing....

Strategy is carried out by the management of a company, that want their organiztion to work efficienty, and the best way for this to happen is to ensure that there aren't any conflicts within.

It is for this that the staff of the company will have to plan his strategy depending on the aims that it chases, for what must define clearly what it wants to obtain, the way of obtaining the fixed aims and a later system of control. It is what is named Formulation and Implantation of the strategy, which do not remain only in the previous study but in the practice they develop at the same time.

With the formulation of the strategy, the direction of the company defines the aims that it tries to reach. For it it departs from an analysis of his own company as well as of the environment that surrounds it. With the putting in practice of the previous analysis the company seeks to be competitive on the market and tries to achieve a competitive advantage that allows him to obtain benefits superior to the competition.


Concepto de estrategia (Concept of strategy); Proceso de análisis (Process of analysis); Entorno competitivo: amenazas y oportunidades (Competitive environment: threats and opportunities); Recursos y capacidades internas (Resources and internal capacities); Puesta en práctica (Putting in practice); Ventaja competitiva sostenible que genera rendimientos extraordinarios (Competitive sustainable advantage that generates extraordinary performances)


To realize a complete analysis of the company and of the environment that surrounds it, the most common instrument that is used is the so called Analysis DAFO. This counterfoil allows to identify internally the Weaknesses and Strengths of the company as well as the Threats and Opportunities that the market offers in the one that develops his activity. This method of analysis is considered like of great value on the part of the companies and organizations that use it thanks to his simplicity and, in turn, to the extent that it includes in his frame of analysis.

An agile and dynamic company will be capable of turning a threat of the market into an opportunity of business.


Interno (Interior); Externo (Exerior); Debilidades (Weaknesses); Amenazas (Threats); Fortalezas (Strengths); Oportunidades (Opportunities)