Reading 15ª








Sound Stop

Napoléon Bonaparte

Napoléon Bonaparte naquit le 15 août 1769 dans la maison familiale d´Ajaccio (Corse). Famille d´origine italienne son nom signifie en français " Bon Parti ".

En 1793 il est nommé général de brigade à 24 ans. Epouse le 9 mars 1796 Joséphine de Beauharnais. Le 2 décembre 1804 il est sacré Empereur par le pape Pie VII. En 1805 il remporte la bataille d´Austerlitz. En 1808 il occupa la Péninsule Ibérique mais il capitula a Bailén. En 1812, commence la Campagne Russe. Mais du aux très dures conditions climatiques ce fut un désastre. Napoléon perdit 500.000 hommes.

En 1814 Napoléon dut s´exiler á l´île d´Elbe. En 1815 il revint en France et il perdit sa dernière bataille à Waterloo. Il termina sa vie á St. Hélène où il mourut en 1821.

Sound Stop

Napoléon I fut Empereur des français de 1804 à 1815. Il réalisa des réformes que nous connaissons encore aujourd´hui :

- Le Code Civil

- Système scolaire

- Banque de France

Le neveu de Napoléon I, Luis Napoléon, fut président de la seconde république et puis devint Empereur sous le nom de Napoléon III.

Saviez-vous que Napoléon ne supportait pas l´ail, cela lui donnait des douleurs d´estomac. Pendant sa campagne d´Egypte en 1798 il prononça la fameuse phrase : " Messieurs du haut de ces pyramides quarante siècles vous contemplent "


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Napoleón Bonaparte

Napoleón Bonaparte was born 15th August 1769 in the family house of Ajaccio (Corsiga). The family was originally from Italy. The translation of the name is "Good party".

In 1793, when he was 24 years old, he became the general of the brigade. He got married the 9th March 1796 to Josephine de Beauharnais. 2nd December 1804 he was proclaimed the Emperor by the Pope Pie VII. In 1805 he won the battle of Austerlitz. In 1808 he occupied the Iberian Peninsula but surrended in Bailén. In 1812, he started the Russian Campaign, which due to the difficult climatic conditions was a disaster. Napolean lost 500.000 men.

In 1814, Napolean had to leave the country and became an exile on the isalnd of Elbe. In 1815 he returned to France and he lost his last battle, the battle of Waterloo. He life ended in Sta. Helena and he died in 1821.

Napoleón I was the Emperor of the French from 1804 - 1815. He made some important changes whilst he was in power and those changes are still known today:

- The Civil Code

- The Education System

- Bank of France

Napoleon I's nephew, Luis Napoleón, was the president of the second republic and later he became Emperor under the name of Napoleón III.

Did you knnow that Napoleón absolutely hated garlic, it gave him a stomach ache. During the campaign in Egypt in 1798, he pronounced the famous quote: "Soldiers, remember that from the height of these pyramids, 40 centuries look down upon you".