Lesson 24 ª







Sound Stop

  • In German. you make negative sentences with the particles "nein" (no) at the beginning of the sentence and "nicht" (no) which is usually placed after the verb:

  • Wohnst du in Madrid ? Nein, Ich wohne nicht in Madrid
    Do you live in Madrid? No, I don't live in Madrid
    Kommst du mit uns ? Nein, Ich komme nicht mit euch
    Are you coming with us? No, I'm not going with you
    Arbeitet er hier ? Nein, er arbeitet nicht hier
    Does he work here? No, he doesn't work here

  • If the verb is a compound verb, the particle "nicht" is placed after the auxiliary verb:

  • Hast du in Paris gearbeitet ? Nein, Ich habe nicht in Paris gearbeitet
    Have you worked in Paris? No, I haven't worked in Paris
    Bist du ins Kino gegangen ? Nein, Ich bin nicht ins Kino gegangen
    Have you been to the cinema? No, I haven't been to the cinema

  • If the negation does not refer to any of the verbs in the sentence but to the noun, the negation is formed with the indefinite adjective "kein, keine, kein" (no) in front of the object:

  • Kaufst du einen Wagen ? Nein, ich kaufe keinen Wagon
    Are you buying a car? No I'm not buying any car
    Haben sie  Brüder ? Nicht, sie haben keine Brüder
    Do they have any brothers or sisters? No, they don't have any brothers or sisters
    Isst du Fisch? Nein, ich esse keinen Fisch
    Do you eat fish? No, I don't eat fish

  • The adjective "kein(e)" is declined like any other adjective.

  • Sound Stop


    Plate Teller (m) Microwave Mikrowelle (f)
    Glass Glas (n) Dishwasher Geschirrspülmaschine (f)
    Spoon Löffel (m) Oven Ofen (m)
    Tea spoon Teelöffel (m) Whisk Mixer (m)
    Knife Messer (n) Bottle opener Korkenzieher (m)
    Fork Gabel (f) Juicer Fruchtpresse (f)
    Serviette Serviette (f) Opener Óffner (m)
    Frying pan Pfanne (f) Salt shaker Salzstreuer (m)
    Saucepan Kasserolle (f) Sugar bowl Zuckerdose (f)
    Jug Krug (m) Top Wasserhahn (m)
    Pressure cooker Schnellkochtopf (m) Fridge Kühlschrank (m)
    Sink Spülbecken (n)