Lesson 10ª







The use of the verbal mood

Verbal mood: indicative, subjunctive, imperative, modals, etc.

In this lesson and in the following lesson, we are going to analyse the different ways of expressing the truth, imagining events, possibility, desire, exhortations, the request and repetition of speech.


Reality is always expressed using the indicative. Indicative sentences are those where the author believes they are real.

Heute habe ich einen Termin beim Friseur.
Today I have an appointment with the hairdressers.
Letzte Woche ist eine Bank in Berlin überfallen worden. Zwei Tage nach dem Überfall waren alle Diebe verhaftet.
Last week a bank in Berlin was held up. Two days after the hold up, the robbers were arrested.
In dieser Firma wird gearbeitet. Hier hat niemand das Recht, während seiner Arbeitszeit einkaufen zu gehen.
In this company people work. Here nobody has the right to go shopping during their work time.
Gestern ist mein Kollege zum Generaldirektor ernannt worden.
Yesterday my work colleague was named General Director.
Wir können es uns nicht leisten, ein Haus mit Schwimmbad zu kaufen.
We can't afford to buy a house with a swimming pool.
In dieser Gegend werden viele Häuser renoviert. Hier werden die Preise in den nächsten Jahren ziemlich steigen.
In this area they are reforming many things. In the next couple of years, prices are going to go up a lot round here.
Im Mittelalter gingen die meisten Kinder nicht in die Schule. Bildung war ein Privileg der Reichen.
In the Middle Age, the majority of children didn't go to school. Education was a privilledge for the rich.
Während der Staatsbesuches waren die Sicherheitsmaßnahmen extrem. Die Straßen waren voll von Polizisten.
During the state visit, the security measures were extreme. The streets were full of policemen.


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Indicate which of the following sentences expresses a real situation and which ones don't.

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