Lesson 25 ª








Function of aggregate supply

This curve shows the relationship between the level of production supplied by companies and the level of prices.

The incline of the curve is positive: if prices increase companies offer more (production will increase).

This positive slope comes about when we analyse the behaviour of the economy in the short-medium term, being the posture defended by the economy school called "The Synethesis Model" (this name comes about because it connects the Keynesian School which examine the short term and the Classical School which looks at the long term).

We can explain this positive slope using the Philips curve: if production increases (unemployment decreases), prices increase.

According to the Keynesian school, the slope of the supplied aggregate in the short term is horizontal, whilst according to the Classical School in the long term the slope is vertical.

a) Keynesian School

In the very short term, the slope of the supply curve is horizontal. In the short term, salaries are rigid, they don't change, which means the prices of products don't vary either (companies are supposed to fix their prices by adding a margin of their production costs).

Companies will be willing to offer everything that is demanded at the existing prices, they will not try and increase prices.

However, this school admits that when we are not talking about the short term, maybe the short-medium term, salaries can rise: if companies want to produce more they will need more labour force and the increase in demand will help increase salaries, which will also cause the prices of products to increase and will make the Aggregate Supply curve start to adopt a positive slope.

b) Classical School

The Classical School centres its analysis in the long term and it believes that the supply curve has a totally vertical slope. According to this school any economy will always be with full employement, for this reason the volume of products offered to the market will always be the maximum capacity allowed, independent of the level of prices.

According to the Classical school, balanced production is determined by offer (the level of production allows a level of full employment) and not by demand.

My darling students (maybe I'm being too optimistic using the plural)...Is anyone out there??...ah you, but what are you doing with the vacuum? ah, are you the cleaning man?...where are you my students?