Lesson 21







Many of us ask ourselves why we always feel that time flies in the morning. We feel that we don't do everything that we should in order to go to work, school, etc.

Once I asked a friend to lend me a book. He told me that he would be happy to and that he would bring it the next day. When I asked him the next day if he had the book he told me that he had forgotten and that he would try and remember for tomorrow. The day after I asked him again if he had remembered the book and again he said that he had forgoten it. To give you an idea of how this story ends...I didn't get the book for a month.

This happens to lots of us, this is why I am goig to give you the following advice which I hope you can use in order to overcome the difficulties of doing everything quickly in the morning (adapted from the author Rob S. Alhen).

If you have everthing organized so that you can find it quickly and the order is logical, you will be able to carry out many tasks quickly. Another idea is to study the process we go through in order to carry out a task. Sometimes it is possible to have things close to us and you can avoid going from one room to another.


  • Have you ever had a bath before going to bed? It seems incredible but this is considered a "radical" idea by those that are used to having a shower. The author Alhen claims having a bath before you go to bed helps you to relax and sleep better, therefore, in the morning you feel fresh. Try it, you will notice the results.

  • What shall I wear to work? What blouse? What skirt? What tie am I going to wear? Which pair of shoes? However, if in the morning we try to decide all of these aspects we loose valuable minutes that we need in order to get to the office or final destination. Therefore, I recommend that you organize what you are going to wear the night before, organize everything and leave it in an accesible place, so that in the morning you already have everything ready and you don't have to rush in the morning.

  • If you usually have breakfast in the morning, I suggest you decide what you are going to have for breakfast the night before and leave everything out coffee, tea, milk, eggs, etc. To avoid the food from going off you can leave it in the fridge and heat it up in the morning in the microwave.

  • Some of us prepare sandwiches to take to the office at break time or to eat whilst we travel. Therefore, I recommend that you prepare these sandwiches the night before, that way they are ready for you in the morning.

  • To save time in the morning and avoid things turning bad, the best advice is to prepare things the night before. It doesn't matter what you have to take with you, food, articles, utensils, etc if you leave them prepared you won't forget them. Doing this will releive potential stress.