Lesson 26º










A company's resources are fundamental for the company's strategy, understood as their resources and capacities. We can say that a resource is active, a stock, with which a company tries to give value and obtain profits; a capacity is a flow, it is precisely the value of the resources, the generation of income from the moment the resources start to work.

Nowadays, we live in a company economy, in which companies create the market. There are new products, new needs arrise...and this is all fruit of research and company innovation. We are no longer in a market economy but the companies create the market. The conditions have changed because the world is continuously changing, it is more dynamic and uncertain. Therefore, companies should be prepared.

As a result of the conditions constantly changing, understanding the market is not enough, as any company can do this. You have to be different, you have to do different things. Therefore, you need to think about innovation and change from the deep knowledge of the resources that you have.

In a stable environment, external analysis is more important. However, nowadays with globalization, the environment is not at all stable. Therefore, internal analysis is more important. You have to look at how many of our resources differentiate us from other companies, do we have enough to change the structure of a sector?

As we can see in the graph, the main relationship in this changing environment is the one that joins the company, represented by its resources, capacities and strategy.


Relación estrategia - empresa (Relation strategy - company); La empresa (The company); Objetivos y valores (Aims and values); Recursos y capacidades (Resources and capacities); Estructura y sistemas (Structure and systems); Entorno sectorial (Sectorial environment); Competidores (Competitors); Clientes (Clients); Proveedores (Suppliers); Relación Empresa - Estrategia (Relation Company - Strategy); Relación Estrategia - Entorno (Relation Strategy - Environment)