







Less 1 Introduction
Less 2 Food
Less 3 When we need to use a feeding bottle
Less 4 From milk to food
Less 5 Cat food
Less 6 A great hunter
Less 7 Cat development over its first month
Less 8 Cat development
Less 9 Sexual maturity
Less 10 A geriatric cat
Less 11 Teeth
Less 12 Fur/hair
Less 13 Ears
Less 14 Claws
Less 15 How they use their claws
Less 16 Declawing and tendonectomy
Less 17 Socializing period
Less 18 The first day at home
Less 19 Their bed
Less 20 Toys
Less 21 Urine and faeces
Less 22 Urinating
Less 23


Less 24 Going out
Less 25 First check-up at the veterinary
Less 26 Temperature
Less 27 Cleaning
Less 28 Hair balls
Less 29 Preventing gastric problems due to hair balls.
Less 30 Brushing
Less 31 Bath
Less 32 Trimming their hair/fur
Less 33 External parasites
Less 34 Intestinal parasites
Less 35 Vaccines
Less 36 Health Certificate and passport
Less 37 Identifying our cat
Less 38 Female cats in heat
Less 39 Pregnancy
Less 40 Labour